Java BigLotto Program

Design a program BigLotto that prompts the user for how many Lotto tickets he/she wants. Use a loop to create the tickets. Create a static method createLottoTicket that creates and returns one Lotto ticket as a String. For the Lotto ticket you must create an array size 6. You must generate 5 random numbers 1-47 using the SecureRandom class and place them in the array. Then you must generate a random mega number 1-27 and place it last in the array. Create a String containing the 6 random numbers and return it. You must print each Lotto ticket in main. Use the command prompt (console) for input and output.

For example, if the user requests 2 Lotto tickets the output would be:


17   4  29  42  36  21



24  16  47  41  3   14


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