Database ERD Answers


An instructor has decided that he needs a relational database to store grades in. He has defined the following three entities: STUDENT, COURSE, and ASSIGNMENT. What kind of relationship exists between these entities?

Create an entity relation diagram (ERD) for the instructor’s data-base. Don’t worry about the attributes, but give each entity a primary key attribute. Remember to watch out for many-to-many relationships.



The entities STUDENT, COURSE and ASSIGNMENT are related to each other in the following ways:

  1. Each STUDENT “enrolls for” at least one or more COURSE.
  2. Each COURSE “has” at least one or more ASSIGNMENT.
  3. As the STUDENT is enrolled for a COURSE, he/she need to “submit” and “score on” all the ASSIGNMENTs under all his/her COURSEs.

All the above relationships are many-to-many.



The following diagram shows the entity relationship diagram.


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