Python script for hosts file processing: 32547 UNIX Systems Programming, Spring 2020
Python source code for hosts file processing

CITS1401 Computational Thinking with Python Project 1: Rainfall Statistics
The Government of Australia established the Bureau of Meteorology (“BOM”) in 1906 under the Meteorology Act which, at the time, brought together the state meteorological services. The main objective of the BOM is to provide weather services to Australia and its surrounding areas. A research group in UWA requires a computer program which can read […]

ITECH1400 – Assignment 2 – Money Manager
Source code for money manager application in Python

Python Roll Dice Program
Python code to roll dice twice and ask user sum or difference of the numbers

Python Roll Dice Program
$2.00Colour Lerp Python Program
FROM $4.00Data Mining in MS-Excel: Credit Card Default Prediction
Model Predictions + Python Code + Output + Analysis Report (.pptx) for Credit Card Default Data Mining Challenge

CSC 242 Daily Exercise 3 Python Recursive filePrint()
Python program to print file path names with an indentation that is proportional to their depth with respect to the topmost folder

CSC242 Daily Exercise 4 Python recursive search()
Code for python recursive function search() which returns the pathname of the file, if found, or None.

Python Program for Team Management Roster
Python program presents user menu to manage team roster along with file input and output operations.

CS 1301 Homework 9 Python Solutions
python code for CS 1301 Homework 9 questions, function definitions for abbreviator, union, tupleMagic, reverseMultiTable, charCount, chetify.

Python program Twitter Happiness Score with Histogram
Python code to determine happiness score of different geographical regions of Unites States based on the tweets made by people from the regions and respective histogram.

Python Comparing Two Objects
Source code for class Rational representing rational numbers, method to compare two objects of the class and a UML class diagram with screenshot of run of the program.

Python Encoder Decoder Program
Python program to encode and decode a message as per instruction rules.

Python CS161 Assignment 4 Three Shot Archery Game Program
Python code solution for archery game program.

Python Mount Everest Motor Racing Circuit (MEMRC) Program
Python source code, algorithm and test results for Python MEMRC Program

Pizzeria Python Code
This python takes the number of adults, teens and children as input and calculates the number of pizzas needed for their meal. The results are dumped into a disk file.